All About Achievers 9 Bands - ACHIEVERS 9 BANDS
All About Achievers 9 Bands

All About Achievers 9 Bands

September 30, 2021

To Introduce

Achievers 9 Bands is a brand that comprises numerous IELTS books written in-house by the most qualified authors with assistance from IELTS Academic and General Training Examiners as recognized by the IDP.

Achievers 9 Bands makes sure that its students have the most up-to-date IELTS materials available on their shelves. Achievers 9 Bands cater to IELTS books and materials for general and academic training.


The three essential services that Achievers Group offer includes:

  • IELTS Books: IELTS is an extremely popular English test that is mainly based on four crucial proficiency tests: Reading, Listening, Writing, and speaking. When you are preparing for the IELTS test, make sure you are utilizing the most effective study tools and notes that will help you perform excellently. To aid you in the IELTS preparation, you can find out the books on our website and you can even order them online.
  • Online IELTS: Our online IELTS course is an outlined course that runs from beginning to finish so that you can learn in the most rational sequence using our suggested course schedule.
  • Immigration: We provide a single point of contact to discuss immigration matters. We are also committed to developing innovative services that allow for smooth experiences and practical solutions to certain issues that arise from the process of migration.



The process of preparing to study abroad or migrate is a daunting job in itself. There are times where you have to make tough decisions, such as choosing the right program for your studies or determining the appropriate country and the right university that offers this particular program.

Whatever course or the country you choose it is essential to pass several tests related to your language proficiency in order to demonstrate to the admissions team that you can communicate and are comfortable with the language of instruction for the course you selected.


To aid you in the IELTS preparation, you can find out the books on our website and you can even order them online.

  1. Achievers 9 Bands IELTS Academic Training Book – 1
  2. Achievers 9 Bands IELTS General Training Book - 2, 21 to 40 Reading Practice Tests
  3. Achievers 9 Bands IELTS General Training Book 3, 41-55 Reading Practice Tests
  4. Achievers 9 bands - Speaking & Writing
  5. Achievers 9 Bands IELTS Listening and Reading Book with Practice CD



Our students receive a wealth of advice, along with the practice tests for each lesson every day. Select any one of the 3 options and then begin the daily practice of IELTS. The subscriptions include specific module-based basic concepts that help you get acquainted with IELTS more effectively. The practice test contains content covering Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing which is similar to an actual IELTS test.


We provide advisory services to our clients regarding categories of immigration. We regularly review our operation standards and technologies to ensure that it is in line with our client’s needs in order to compete in a highly competitive market.

Allow us to help you navigate the process from beginning till completion. We aim to stand out by providing the best possible flexibility and reliability when it comes to customer service.

To Conclude

We are highly acclaimed IELTS authors, selling more than 60,000 plus IELTS books, including Achievers 9 Bands. We are fully certified and trained experts in Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening modules, with more than 18 years of experience in IELTS. Our Immigration network is comprised of specialists and highly qualified individuals who bring the most extensive experience as well as industry-specific expertise to meet the needs of our clients. Our goal is simply to provide consistently superior customer service by providing useful advice and assistance to the specific needs of our clients.